So good! I have been soooo much quieter on social media since the boys were born. There’s just never enough room for the whole story.

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I’ve noticed this is a trend with most women I know when they have babies. They tend to disappear off of social media for a while or stay quiet for a bit.

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Resonated with a lot of this! There is someone I follow who gave birth to her 4th baby the day before I gave birth to my third. She had a “pain free” home birth, I had a C-section. Listening to her talk about her birth on her podcast was the worse thing I could have done. I loathed myself the rest of that day.

Thanks for giving words to what I’ve been feeling and giving me a chance to say “me too”.

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I hope my podcast makes space for the women who have stories that weren’t the prayers they prayed! 💓

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That last line... oof, absolutely! I think one of the reasons that girl was so popular on IG is because we WANT to believe that if we have the right kind of faith and pray the right words, our prayers will be answered in the way we want them too. But this is such a fundamental misunderstanding...our relationship with God isn't contractual or formulaic, it involves trust just like you said!

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Sarah! You hit the nail on the head. You’re so right. It’s human nature, I think, to want some more control…but ironically the freedom & joy are found when we’re able to release that control. Easy to say, harder to do. Prayer would make more sense to us if it were transactional. It’s so hard to explain because it isn’t. 🤷🏽‍♀️

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Sooooo hard to do (I love control!)

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You & me both!!

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